Aircraft Sales Professionals – A Sales Tool That Will Actually Help You Sell Aircraft, And Pay You Significant Dividends.

Aircraft salesmen have a lot on their plate when working to sell a jet or turboprop aircraft to the average executive considering buying an aircraft.

Airplanes are complicated and strictly regulated. Aviation speak is an unknown, almost meaningless language to the majority of those who wish to own an aircraft. What they know is everything about an aircraft is extremely expensive.

For example: what do most buyers know about CZI’s, MPI’s, 60-month inspections, 120-month inspections, NDT’s, cycle limited parts, and about a thousand other things that are all Greek to them. Nothing except they are all expensive. 

And that is exactly why this tool is so valuable to those selling aircraft. The program easily renders all those buyers concerns’ moot in a language the buyers truly understand, money.

The program easily shows a buyer in dollars how incorporating this system will pay for all, or most of the aircraft’s purchase costs in maintenance savings. Another way to say it is, “utilizing this program will pay for the aircraft.”

A few sample aircraft:

1. A Lear jet 55 B. Purchase price; $450,000. Over a period of 5 years this program will save a potential owner $1,564,027 or 348% of its purchase price.

2. A Citation V. Purchase price; $1,000,000. Over a period of 5 years this program will save a potential owner $1,079,597 or 108% of its purchase price.

3. A Challenger 601 3 A. Purchase price; $1,200,000 over a period of 5 years this program will save a potential owner $2,031,793 or 169% of its purchase price.

We can demonstrate these savings to you, or to your client looking to purchase an aircraft regardless of their aircraft knowledge. We can explain in their language, what they can and will save on 162 jets and 72 Turboprops. And that is just the beginning. Give us the hours to be flown, the type of aircraft, and the purchase price and instantaneously we will give you the savings.

Adding this program to your aircraft sale not only helps you with the sale of the aircraft, but also benefits you, the salesperson. For every aircraft you add to the program, you will receive a $1,000 a month payment for every month that every aircraft is on the program. $1,000 x 12 = $12,000 x 5 years = $60,000. Extend that out over 10 aircraft and it will generate $600,000, 20 aircraft $1,200,000 so on and so forth. This is the perfect win win for everyone involved.

If any of this is of interest to you and can help you sell you aircraft, please feel free to contact us at Executive AirPower Inc.

Below is a video that explains how we can help you.