Making Business Aviation Safe for Investors.

Safety is paramount above all else in aviation. Safety in aviation goes on all day, every day. But what about safety for investors in the charter or fractional aviation environment? Who keeps them safe?

We can.

So, to better educate investors and assuage the mysteries and unknowns of investing in business aviation, we have developed a list of three golden rules for investing in business aviation.

FYI, we did not write these three golden rules because we are noble or magnanimous. We did this to educate investors. To supply them with the information they will need, when “we” change and disrupt the current business aviation paradigm.

The three golden rules are:

Rule number one: do not own, invest, and or operate any aircraft for any reason. Ever!

The problem with owning and or operating a business aircraft in today’s charter and fractional environment is they all lose money.

Rule number two: do not own, invest, and or operate any aircraft for any reason.

The problem with owning and or operating a business aircraft in the charter or the fractional environment is “Unknown Variables.” “Unknown Variables” will ruin your day, every day without fail.

Rule number three: do not own, invest, and or operate any aircraft for any reason.

The problem with owning and or operating a business aircraft in the charter or the fractional environment is as Einstein most famously said: “The difference between stupidity and genius, is that genius has its limit.”

To better explain the last rule, investors need to understand that business aviation is generally a “me too” industry. The specific definition of “me too” as it relates to business aviation is that any form of original thinking, new ideas, or concepts are neither understood, tolerated, or implemented, unless of course, they are really stupid. Consider the fractional model for example. All of which explains exactly why business aviation is not now, or has it ever been profitable, and still operates like it is 1962.

Investors if you follow the three golden rules stated above in the business aviation industry, your investment of zero dollars will now and forever be safe.

On the other hand, business aviation is a 2 hundred billion dollar a year industry. What if you could safely be investing in the business aviation environment and earning stable, sizable, and sustainable profits without the operational risks? Would that be of interest to you?

So as an investor, you have two choices. You can stay away from business aviation altogether and miss out on the perfect gateway to the 200 billion dollar a year business aviation industry. Alternatively, you can learn about our perfectly designed, safe, and practical system that neither owns, operates or maintains aircraft and be a part of changing business aviation history wholly and forever. It is just that simple.

At this point, an investor should be asking, if it is possible to make a safe investment in aviation, then why has no one done this before. That is a perfectly logical question. To which my answer is to refer you back to Mr. Einstein’s quote, and my rule number three explanation, the “me too” theory of the current business aviation industry models.

There are other notable instances of mistaking and or confusing stupidity with genius. For example; One hundred and sixteen years ago, it was a well-known fact that heavier than air flying machines could never fly — Then a couple of bicycle mechanics proved those thought processes to be dead wrong. Who would not have liked to have been in on the creation of the airplane?

In 1961 an executive at Decca Records wrote a letter to Mr. Epstein saying they did not like the boys in his band or their sounds and were not interested. So, the Beatles signed with EMI Records. The good news for Decca was that the Beatles were so successful making and selling so many records that EMI had to employ Decca making records to keep up with the demand.

The point is sometimes out of chaos, disorder, and confusion comes real change. Who would have thought that there was money under the empty sands of Saudi Arabia in the late ’40s? John Paul Getty did, and look how that turned out for both Getty and the Saudis. Moreover, that discovery came right when it was needed. A hundred years earlier before the automobile, planes. and the suburbs became popular, no one would have, or did care about the barren Saudi desert.

So timing is also the key to making changes, not just the changes themselves.

Which brings us to why we are here today:

Today the business aviation market is ready and needs real change.Technology and the market have come together at precisely the right time for us to make and profit from the desperately needed and beneficial changes to business aviation.

We know exactly how to use the cutting edge technology available today and apply it to the current market conditions. These changes are going to produce incredible profits. Profits never before available. Profits made possible precisely because we will not be invested in, or operating even one aircraft.

Would you like to make/change history, to make real changes, and make real money, a lot of it?

Call me at 702 994 4491 | email me at