Crew Evaluations

How competent are your pilot and flight crew? How safely is your corporate aircraft operated? Do you know how to evaluate your flight crew? Are your flight operations within top industry parameters? Is the wear and tear on your aircraft excessive? How do you know? You don’t. EAP does. Executive AirPower provides to its program members an opportunity unique to the industry. We analyze your flight crew and evaluate their performance utilizing many of the same parameters major airlines apply. You will know how safely and efficiently your flight crew operates. We insist that you know. Your safety and operational efficiency depend upon it, and your safety and operational efficiency are essential to EAP’s performance of our mission.

EAP is a top flight fleet operation. Our oversight professionals have been involved in fleet operations for decades. We directly compare your flight crews’ performance to other flight operations utilizing similar aircraft. You will learn which metrics are important and why it is essential that they are measured.

We systematically compare daily operations based on a synthesis of key variables including trip time with subcomponents of block time and flight time. Numerous additional sub-metrics are evaluated including fuel burn and dispersion and allocation of maintenance costs.

Why does EAP insist upon providing this additional service to our program members? Safety. In addition when you are accepted into our turnkey program EAP guarantees that we shall save you 25% – 40%, or $300,000., in your annual operating expenses. We cannot guarantee savings for you without systematically evaluating your flight crew’s performance. Where are your operational inefficiencies? Have you cowboys on your flight crew abusing your equipment? We track the variety of variables in your flight crew’s performance. EAP is guaranteeing your aviation operations performance so we need to know. The major airlines know. So shall you.

We advise when your flight crew performs outside of acceptable deviations from top performance standards. We expect your flight crew to perform safely and efficiently and so will you. In the course of tracking your operations, we will identify a number of performance variables which will inform you as to how safe and efficient your flight operations are.

At EAP we base our industry-leading pricing on the normal/standard life expectancy of aircraft and aircraft parts, as well as maintenance and repair costs as listed by Conklin and deDecker, the leading industry standard. EAP requires that our member’s flight operations be performed safely and efficiently to directly benefit our members but also in support of our performance and cost savings guarantee for you. Where we find operational performance outside of accepted norms we will advise you of the need to improve your operational norms.

From your first day upon being accepted into our program you will become informed how your pilot, flight crew and operational costs compare across the industry.

We consistently provide to you significantly safer, reliable and cost effective aircraft operations.

EAP guarantees it!!
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