Full Spectrum Budget and Safety Controls That
Save you Money!
The “Rubik’s Cube” of business aviation (pictured above) is a visual reference to the incredibly complex maze of federally mandated rules and regulations regarding business aviation. The cube visually represents the thousands of F.A.A. requirements for hourly inspections, annual inspections, and the extraordinarily wide variety of calendar airframe maintenance costs, engine maintenance costs, cycle limited parts, TBO’s, MPI’s, pilot training, maintenance training, and recurrent training.
To be successful with the Business Aviation’s Rubik’s Cube you need to understand how the Cube works. The Cube is driven by the F.A.A. which is the second most regulation-driven government agency in the U.S. behind only the N.R.A. (Nuclear Regulatory Agency).
Congratulations! As an aircraft owner, you are now subject to thousands of those F.A.A. mandated rules and their associated costs. How are you going to comply?
We note that having regulations and being required to fully comply with them in and of themselves is not a bad thing. The challenge is when those regulations are weaponized by suppliers and service providers to manipulate pricing via obfuscation, manipulation, and double talk to you.
Owning an aircraft or even being a pilot does not help you in controlling cost or improving safety. In our experience, major flight departments with multiple multi-million-dollar aircraft staffed by a cadre of expensive supervisory personnel might have the expertise to properly handle the complexity of the Rubik’s Cube that is today’s business aviation industry. However, even major flight departments are not powerful enough to contain costs or improve safety.
If you have a small operation consisting of one aircraft (normally pre-owned) and a pilot (who is most likely looking to build time so he/she can move up to the airlines or a larger company to fly a newer aircraft), then you are absolutely on your own. Your pilot does not protect you.
Being alone, unguided and unsupported in the land of business aviation leads to expensive, frustrating and occasionally deadly experiences. When you fly alone in the land of business aviation you will be victimized by the system. You have no power to control anything–from costs, to accessing priority services, to verifying your safety level.
With Executive AirPower you are not alone. You have knowledge. You have the highest level of expertise. You have real power. You have AirPower. You are now part of a large fleet of aircraft receiving expert guidance. In the business aviation world, it is the fleet power that matters.
A fleet of aircraft, by definition, is a large number of aircraft under the umbrella of a single expert entity. You become expertly guided, safer, powerful and protected. Becoming a member our fleet provides you with spectacular financial power and major savings. Our fleet power creates the hammer and anvil effect. Suppliers and providers want large volume customers such as our fleet. In order to earn our fleet business, they must provide the pricing and the services (for the entire fleet) that we demand for you.
This end result is one in which you as a single aircraft owner can never achieve alone. Controlling the power of a fleet matters only if the management team knows exactly how to extract every benefit that fleet operations afford for every fleet member. At EAP we do that for you. We are that team. We have the knowledge, the experience, and the ability to deliver the highest quality service at the best prices available to you. We will use that fleet power for you and you will always benefit from that power!
In addition, unlike other management companies or piggyback systems, we do not abstractly claim that as part of our program you will get discounts. We tell you specifically what those discounts are. Before we accept you into our program you will know exactly what those savings are and what that means to your budget. No one else will provide this to you.
With Executive AirPower you get our platinum turnkey system which means you do not have to do anything other than save money, schedule, and fly in your aircraft. Executive AirPower addresses all FA.A., safety, repair and compliance issues.
You just enjoy flying and making money. We will do all the rest.
If you are in a piggyback charter program we will take you out of that high risk, negative return system. We will make your aircraft totally available for you when you need it. As a result, your aircraft flies fewer hours retaining its value, eliminates your liability, and dramatically reduces your operating budget.
We invite you to explore certain of the applicable F.A.A. regulations. https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/faa_regulations/
Contact us at Executive AirPower.